Sunday, July 18, 2010

Gimme Five!

I know, I know... I haven't posted for over a week now. The reason is that I have been so busy getting kids all back into the routine of school and catching up on things, that I really haven't had time. Also, my dearest aunt passed away a few days ago. She finally lost the battle with pancreatic cancer. This woman was the closest thing to my own mother. I am still numb. The funeral is scheduled for this coming Friday. So apart from the business of life and the grief of loss, there hasn't been much else that is blogworthy happening anyway.

My boy still insists on me assisting him to feed himself. It's very annoying, but at least he is still eating. I can't really say there have been any other new developments..... but an old one seems to have resurfaced!

Little man is now giving me high fives again! He used to respond to this when he was around 12 months. "High five!" we'd say, and he'd raise both arms up into the air with an expectant look on his face. He stopped it pretty quickly though. I recently did it again with him - the proper way - lifted his hand and clapped my own onto it saying: "High five!" and he loved it. Now, he responds by raising his own hand into the air expectantly, with a big grin and a giggle. So cute. He is also slapping his hand into mine when I say "gimme five" :). Very happy. I used to do that with him ages ago too, but I always had to help him respond to it. Now he does on his own.... but only with me! With anyone else, he needs prompting. I love this because it is a way of communicating a greeting to people, and I fully intend to make use of it in future as a way of helping him connect with friends and family.

Nothing else to say at the moment really. Except that I might try another mud cake recipe this week. (Am searching for a mud cake recipe that meets my standards satisfactorily :P - still haven't found one).


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